
Pomiechowski v District Court of Legunica 59-200 Poland; Rozanski v Regional Court 3 Penal Department Poland; Ungureanu v Tribunalul Maramures (Maramures County Criminal Offences Court); Lukaszewski v Polish Court of Grudziadz

Author / Contributor: John Jones QC
Pomiechowski v District Court of Legunica 59-200 Poland; Rozanski v Regional Court 3 Penal Department Poland; Ungureanu v Tribunalul Maramures (Maramures County Criminal Offences Court); Lukaszewski v Polish Court of Grudziadz
Issue: Whether the appellants had given notice of appeal in accordance with the timeframe and requirements of s26(4) of the Extradition Act 2003.
Court: Administrative Court
Reference:   CO/2104/2011, CO/2178/2011, CO/835/2011, CO/966/2011
Neutral Citation:   [2011] EWHC 2060 (Admin)
Judge(s): Laws LJ, Kenneth Parker J
Date: 15 June 2011