
R v Khan, Khan and Khan; Attorney General’s Reference Nos 37, 38 and 65 of 2010

Author / Contributor: Kris Gledhill
R v Khan, Khan and Khan; Attorney General’s Reference Nos 37, 38 and 65 of 2010
Issue: Whether a custodial sentence for people trafficking was correct when the offender met the criteria for a hospital order; the effect of the mental disorder on the question of whether a sentence should be increased as unduly lenient.
Court: Court of Appeal
Reference:   201002998 A3, 201002997 A3, 201005469 A3
Neutral Citation:   [2010] EWCA Crim 2880
Judge(s): Pitchford LJ, Henriques J, HHJ Milford QC
Date: 9 December 2010