
Bacher v Austria

Author / Contributor: Kris Gledhill
Bacher v Austria
Issue: Whether the approach to a dispute about property rights breached the rights of accessibility under Art 9 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006 of a man with a variety of impairments, both alone and in conjunction with the general principles set out in Art 3.
Court: Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Reference:   CRPD/C/19/D/26/2014
Neutral Citation:  
Judge(s): Ahmad Al Saif, Danlami Umaru Basharu, Monthian Buntan, Imed Eddine Chaker, Theresia Degener, Samuel Njuguna Kabue, Hyung Shik Kim, Stig Langvad, Robert George Martin, Martin Babu Mwesigwa, Coomaravel Pyaneandee, Valery Nikitich Rukhledev and Damjan Tatic.
Date: 6 April 2018